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Learn how to

Write Mdw Ntchr (Hieroglyphs)

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Lectures on Kemetic Minds

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[laborator_heading title=”Learn to Write Mdw Ntchr (Hieroglyphs)” sub_title=”What is this course about?” font_size=”large” show_dash=”yes” text_align=”left” show_breadcrumb=””]

This is an online course of 4 weeks, where you will learn +/- 100 “Mdw Ntchr symbols”. Each week you will get +/- 25 symbols for a time period of 4 weeks.

The goal of this course is that you can write and recognize Mdw Ntchr.

This course will start at the 7th of June and will start at 04:00 pm EST.
Each lesson will be +/- 2 hours.

If you have any question click here